V elektronskem novičniku SOS Approach to Feeding je članica DlogS zasledila, da bo oktobra 2024 na Dunaju potekal tečaj “SOS Approach to Feeding”. Morda bi bila novica zanimala logopedinje DlogS, zato objavljamo novico.
“Start or expand your feeding therapy services during the SOS Approach to Feeding Conference taking place October 2-6, 2024 in Vienna! The Sequential Oral Sensory (S.O.S) Approach to Feeding program integrates posture, sensory, oral motor, developmental, behavioral/learning, psychosocial, medical, and nutritional factors to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding/growth problems.”
The SOS Approach to Feeding Conference provides:
- A comprehensive understanding in the theory of the SOS Approach
- An in-depth understanding of how children learn to eat and to not eat
- Details about how to accurately and thoroughly assess feeding disorders
- Effective interventions to help families change how they feed their children
- Direct attendee participation in eating, breathing and posture exercises
- Instruction about how to conduct an SOS Approach to Feeding therapy session
Register by April 30th and receive the
discounted rateFor GSIÖ members: €974
For non-members: €1,074
Več informacij najdete tukaj: https://www.sos-feeding-wien.eu/
In tukaj: https://www.sos-feeding-wien.eu/konferenzdetails/